Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Animal Family

I've read "The Animal Family" to my daughter a few times. It's the story of a lone hunter living in a wood at the edge of the sea. In it he befriends a mermaid who describes to him the essence of nature's eat and be eaten ethos to him:

The only things the mermaid was afraid of was big sharks and killer whales. "They kill us if they catch us," she told him. But she was afraid of them in a matter-of-fact, indifferent way, and said that none of her people really thought about them or hated them. "Why should we?" she said. "They eat us the way we eat fish. The fish don't hate us. They swim next to us when they know we're not hungry, and when we're hungry they get away from us if they can. Everything lives on everything.
"Everything lives on everything" indeed.

The balance that nature has handed us - had handed us perhaps - is so terribly threatened now. As hunters I hope that part of our understanding is to act to rebalance the the natural order. As such here are a few things I plan to try and do in 2016.  
  • Eat invasive species!
  • Donate the proceeds...
  • Take up fishing:

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