Saturday, January 28, 2017

The stupid insanity caused by ignorance and fear

What are we so god damn afraid of?

Really? To feel safe we have to turn away those who desperately seek the freedom that is every human's right?

Sad, sad, sad.

We are no longer a great nation when we act (rashly) out of fear and only self preservation.

There are times that fear is justified, but there is no imminent threat. This is just politically motivated xenophobia.

Yet thankfully we have the law. 

The thing our true adversaries always despised most about us was our compassion and willingness to open ourselves to the world. That our nation was not one sect or one race, but an ideal that could be applied universally and would allow the for self rule.

Islam isn't our enemy. We are. Our own ignorance and the vainglory of the present President.

The things I'm trying to find research on now:

  • What is this macro moment that is going on? It's clear to me that there is a a deeper human understanding of the diminishing resources available to each of us. Yet we can't have an honest conversation about it (global warming, root causes of population displacement, etc) To me much of this is a deeper resonance of the biosphere is collapsing in it's ability to support the human population - so of course now it's everyone for themselves.